Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Gain More Muscle By Adding More Weight To The Bar

With a seemingly endless array of articles, "amazing" techniques, impassioned debates, and throngs of self proclaimed muscle building experts who claim to know the secrets to massive muscle growth, it's difficult to uncover what really works. While there are many nuances and details that constitute a successful workout routine, the simple truth of the matter is that consistently adding more weight to your exercises is the foundation of any winning weight lifting routine.

If, for example, you take all of the most basic weight lifting exercises like squats, curls, and bench press, increasing your weight from week to week will by itself yield the most profound muscle building results. Adding 100 pounds to your bench press or dead lift will cause you to become significantly bigger and stronger provided you have a proper nutrition plan in place. Granted, you won't be able to add this kind of weight overnight (unless you want to risk serious injury) because building your physique takes time and patience.

Many of the self proclaimed experts are reluctant to tell you that lifting heavier weights is the essential key to dramatic results because they either don't know or, more than likely, because they want to sell you their bogus gizmo, gadget, or program. Instead, these "experts" would rather have you dancing around the gym super-setting from exercise to exercise, focusing on isolation movements, and feeling the burn rather than simply focus on the foundation required to increase your strength. And that foundation is consistently increasing your weight from workout to workout.

If you are able to stimulate an adaptive response from the muscles by training intensively, recover and rest properly, eat a proper diet, and repeat from week to week then you will gradually become bigger and stronger. If your strength and muscle size is not increasing then you are more than likely doing something wrong, whatever you may have read.


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