Friday, March 14, 2025

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mini Meals Can Help You Obtain Perfectly Flat, Ripped Abs

Without a doubt the most glossed over step towards building flat, ripped abs is a proper meal plan and eating schedule. People are usually so concerned with what they eat and how frequently they chose to exercise that they simply overlook the importance of when it is they are eating. Creating and sticking to a proper diet plan is critical to developing ripped abdominal muscles.

Skipping meals does not help you burn body fat and build your abs. When meals are skipped the idea is to simply reduce your calorie intake but what actually ends up happening for the rest of the day is increased snacking. People who miss out on meals to burn calories many times end up taking in more calories than if they had actually eaten all of their meals. The second step towards a healthy meal plan is consuming small or mini meals as opposed to the normal 3 meals a day.

Rather than eating every 5 or 6 hours, with mini meals you eat a small meal every 3 to 4 hours.
Eating small portions like mini meals allows your metabolism to work its magic at a faster and more efficient pace than normal, which is the main benefit to eating mini meals as opposed to 3 meals a day. You can further maximize the benefits of mini meals by including a little extra protein and fiber with each and every meal. Protein not only helps build muscle but also improves your metabolic activity and makes you feel full for hours longer than normal.


Build Abs on January 3, 2011 at 11:42 PM said...

Great post! I agree with many of the things you describe. The cycles are right on point and should be able to help with those pesky abs that are so hard to obtain and maintain. Keep up the good work.


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